Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Even though we have eyes, we are blind....

Do you know the story of the little boy who was playing on the beach, and he found a big antique jar? It was very beautiful and well corked. He became curious. "What could be inside the jar?" He really worked hard to open it. The moment he opened it--whoosh! Out came a cloud of black smoke. Then the smoke condensed into a wild genie who said, "Sir, thank you for releasing me. I was bottled up here. I can do many things. What can I do for you? I am your servant now because you released me. However, you must keep giving me work. If you don't give me work, I will have to devour you."

The boy said, "I have many wishes. I can give you lots of work."

"Come on, come on! I'm itching to work."

"Good! Build me a castle."

Whoosh! In an instant the castle was there.

"Bring me a car." Immediately the car was there.

"Bring me servants." And they were there. Before he even finished his commands, the thing happened. Whoosh! Finished!

The genie didn't give the boy time to think. "What next? Come on!
Hurry, hurry!"

Soon the boy got so tired that he said, "Sorry, I don't know what to tell you anymore."

"No? Then I must swallow you!" Fortunately, the boy ran to a wise teacher, who gave the genie a curly hair to straighten. The genie couldn't do it, but he kept trying. In that way, he stayed busy and didn't harm the boy.

Humanity is running today for having opened that jar. We are so proud. We think we know many things. We can split the atom. We can break down the neutron. We know the secrets of DNA. Yes, we can create everything. But now we are about to be swallowed. We have created so many Frankensteins.

We are really tampering too much with nature without knowing how to handle the energy. That's literally the situation today in the world. We have opened the jar, and the demon is running around. Now we don't know how to keep him occupied. It is all due to the lack of fundamental knowledge of the spirit and its unity. Even though we have eyes, we are blind. Even though we have intelligence, it is perverted. Certainly, now it is time to open our eyes and see what is to be seen and know what is to be known. Whatever it is, large or small, everything else can wait.

The fundamental knowledge is worth the seeking, because then you experience that peace and enjoy the whole world. Everything else can wait--and should wait, because without this you aren't going to be happy with other things.

Excerpt from: The Living Gita a commentary for modern readers
Chapter thirteen: Yoga of the Field and It's Knower
by Sri Swami Satchidananda

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Art of Mindful Breathing

Our breathing is a stable solid ground that we can take refuge in. Regardless of our internal weather- our thoughts, emotions and perceptions- our breathing is always with us like a faithful friend. Whenever we feel carried away, or sunken in a deep emotion, or scattered in worries and projects, we return to our breathing to collect and anchor our mind.

We feel the flow of air coming in and going out of our nose. We feel how light and natural, how calm and peaceful our breathing functions. At any time, while we are walking, gardening, or typing, we can return to this peaceful source of life.

We may like to recite:

Breathing in I know that I am breathing in.
Breathing out I know that I am breathing out.”

We do not need to control our breath. Feel the breath as it actually is. It may be long or short, deep or shallow. With our awareness it will naturally become slower and deeper. Conscious breathing is the key to uniting body and mind and bringing the energy of mindfulness into each moment of our life.

Written by Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, October 16, 2009

--Healthier Cooking--

In most cases when cooking Meats and Vegetables we damage many of the nutrients in the food. This is mainly caused from direct contact with hot metal. When metal directly touches meat, single amino acids, which make up proteins, are damaged. So during digestion these damaged amino's are not excepted by our bodies and in the long run can reek havoc on our system as a whole.

So one easy way to create a healthier meal would be to use a Crock Pot to make stews, soups etc. With the colder weather coming up it's a perfect way to "warm up" to a healthier life style.

Try and use a vegetable based broth then toss in your favorite vegetables, seasonings and some chicken or turkey. All you have to do is let it sit for 3-4 hours and you have a nutrient rich, minimally damaged meal.

Here is a website that has lots of healthy crock pot recipes to help you get started http://busycooks.about.com/od/healthycrockpotrecipes/a/healthycrockpot.htm

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's All about ATTITUDE!!!

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, Is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do, It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill, It will make or break A company... A school... A home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do Is play on the one thing we have, and that is Our attitude... I am convinced that Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it."

By Charles Swindoll

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oxygen Vs. Cancer "B-R-E-E-E-A-T-H-E"

Oxygen feeds our blood. Every cell in our body feeds on oxygen. Most people only use the upper part of their lungs. Slow deep breathing, which is utilized during Qigong practice, is key when it comes to balancing and healing our bodies.

The following Link is an Article Written by Dr. Ali titled: The Oxygen Model of Cancer

"The 'Oxygen Model' of cancer is a
unifying model that integrates all aspects of the
causation and treatment of cancer that I know. A
healthy cell breathes oxygen for energy. A cancer
cell shuns oxygen and ferments sugar instead for
its energy requirements."


Monday, October 12, 2009

Why Try Qigong?

Qigong(chi gung) is an ancient Chinese moving meditation. It is intended to cultivate energy and heal.
Qigong has many powerful health-promoting effects:
(1) improves the motion of blood, warms the blood and enhances whole body circulation. (2) Stimulates appetite, sexual function, assimilation of nutrients and digestion/elimination. (3) Accelerates metabolism, wight loss, decreases need for sleep. (4) Bolsters the Immune System by reducing cortisol, a known inhibitor of cytokine production. (5) Develops dexterity, reflexes, and prevents Osteoporosis in clinical studies. (6) Opens arteries allowing greater brain-based micro circulation to prevent Alzheimer's disease. (7) Enhances mental acuity, focus and concentration. The Qi draws focus and trains the mind. (8) Helps us to calm down, relax and become more peaceful. (9) Harnesses the power of True Source, remarkably improves results of hands on healing, such as Reiki, and helps spiritual growth.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It is we the people who must begin to change and grow inorder to begin to change the world. I am sure many people understand this but I feel they do not care enough to really do something about it. In my opinion too many people get comfortable in there current sitiuation, and don't feel the need to make a change weither it be financial, physical or mental. To these people I ask, "Do you really care about your children?" If so now is the time to make changes in the world so that it is still livable for the future. Like J.F.K. said, "If not now, then when? If not us, then who?" This is only the begining of the begining.....